Chicken Saltimbocca

I had Chicken Saltimbocca in Buca de Bepo and I absolutely fell in love with this Italian classic. This is a simple and quick dish to make if you have the right ingredients lurking in your pantry. It can be enjoyed with simple Pasta or crusty bread and is surely a crowd pleasure. I am toning down on the butter to make it lighter but this has no effect on the taste whatsoever.act_chicken saltimboca

You will need:

♦           2 Chicken Breasts butterflied                            ♦          2 artichoke hearts halved

♦          2 prosciutto strips cut in half                              ♦         2 tablespoons of all-purpose flour

♦          ½ teaspoon salt                                                        ♦          ½ teaspoon of pepper

♦          ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes                      ♦          2 tablespoons of lemon juice

♦          1 teaspoon of sage                                                  ♦          1 teaspoon lemon zest

♦          1 teaspoon of capers                                             ♦          1 tablespoon of butter

♦          1 tablespoon of olive oil                                      ♦          1/3 cup of white wine

♦          ½ cup chicken stock

What you need to do:

  • Combine the flour salt and pepper and sprinkle over the Chicken breast and wrap them with prosciutto strips.
  • Heat the sage and olive oil in a pan on a medium high heat and add the Chicken breasts to brown them which will take 4-5 mins on each side.
  • In the same pan, add the rest of the ingredients except for the chicken stock and let the wine reduce to half.
  • Once the wine has reduced, add the chicken stock and the butter. Cook till the butter melts and serve with desired sides.